Baby Steps

Big time success is indeed a big thing and can't be easily achieved.
Remember when you have a baby in the house? Isn't it that mama and papa cheered for the little child when he was learning to walk and doing baby steps? They love to see it. Why, because they see progress. Before, all the baby does is lie down and cry when hungry. Then the little child can sit, crawl, stand, and now as if miraculously, he takes a step or two before loosing balance to fall on papa's arms!
One morning after my night-shift work at the office, I went to the shop to have my ID laminated. It's my TIN ID which I got the other day after a week of waiting. Then I went to the SSS Office to request for my SSS ID but I was told to wait for two months. It will take them that long to process my request but I can't do anything about it. Good for me for I have no immediate need of it yet. After that, I went to the bank to get my EON Card which I can claim now that I have my TIN ID.
I was then tired and sleepy but nonetheless contented for I know that I have accomplished something that day.
Big thing as success is, we devise different ways of dealing with it. We plan for it, review the plans we've made and do more thinking. And after that, we repeat the process. While it isn't wrong to do planning and to take the time to think things through, I observed that sitting too long and acting too little most of the time doesn't do much good.
Daily accomplishment is very important. Too much planning only tires the mind and too much study will only burn out our initial enthusiasm. Planning and study are not the culprits here but the desire to accomplish big in a single swing. That kind of thinking puts small accomplishment on the background and overlooks the importance and urgency due to it.
In short, to accomplish big things, we must be willing to accomplish small things on a daily basis.
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