Bipasha Goswami

Bipasha Goswami

Last seen: 3 years ago

Briefly introducing myself , I have recently completed Master degree in English Literature from Gauhati University and am currently working as a product manager in a design brand based in Netherlands. Apart from that, I am a freelance content writer and provide service like research, editing, writing, copywriting, proofreading.

Member since May 24, 2022

The Advantages of Inbound Marketing

With the increasing rise of digital marketing all over the world, inbound market...

Why is upskill training important for employees in a co...

The main goal behind upskilling program is to help employees improve their skill...


With its most untouched natural beauty, Bhutan stands among one of those tourist...

Smart Home Solutions : A View from the Future

The smart home automation system makes life easier by allowing you to control yo...

Describe your favourite colour to a blind Person

The article discusses other possible ways to describe colors to blind individual...

The Effect Of Covid-19 On Mental Health And Well Being

This article discusses the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on health and well-be...