Discover the fascinating world of "Dan Da Dan," an anime that combines bold stor...
Dive into the highs and lows of Mukesh Khanna's career, from his unforgettable r...
Falling in love is difficult, let’s face it. While for some, it’s as easy as get...
The much-advertised film Red Notice is good to go to be delivered on 12 November...
Life is not all about making big decisions and life altering changes, most of th...
The story takes place in Taisho-era Japan. A family is attacked by a demon prese...
All our lives we have grown up watching movies and we take a lot of inspiration ...
This is the tale of Saitama, the most powerful superhero in the world, that does...
It was a wonderful day for Kazuma Satao - straight up to the lamentable second d...
Jujutsu Kaisen is an Anime TV series dependent on the Manga "Jujustu Kaisen" by ...
Sex Education season 3 is out now with more exciting plot and most importantly i...
"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remai...
This season have surpassed the Korean drama craze on another level!
Tokyo Revengers is an on going Sci-fi Anime series, and I am going to tell you w...
Harry Potter is a film series based on the avowed novels by author J. K. Rowling...
One of the most iconic american sitcoms "F.R.I.E.N.D.S" first aired in the year ...