5 Movies That Will Make You Want To Fall In Love

Falling in love is difficult, let’s face it. While for some, it’s as easy as getting hitched with their high school sweethearts, for others, finding love can be a huge challenge. The only thing that keeps us going, and keeps our faith in love alive is romantic movies. Romantic flicks may be a bit unrealistic, but you have to admit it, they can ignite passion, and want for love like nothing else. So, if you’re someone whose faith in “happily-ever-after” is dwindling, here are 5 movies that will make you want to fall in love, and hang on to the hope of a happy ending!

Jun 17, 2022 - 23:59
Jun 18, 2022 - 16:34
 0  171

1. You’ve Got Mail

Nobody does “romantic” better than Tom Hanks. But when we have Meg Ryan in the mix as well? Hallelujah! It has been almost 24 years since ‘You’ve Got Mail’ got released, but it still manages to tug at our heartstrings. The fans of the good old enemies-to-lovers trope would get a good kick out of this 90s classic. 


Kathleen Kelly is an owner of a small book store in Manhattan, while Joe runs a chain of mega bookstores in the city by the name of ‘Fox Books’. When Kathleen gets to know that the Fox family is about to open an outlet in the same district as her own tiny bookstore, her feathers get ruffled at the glaring competition, from a franchise no less. Thus, begins a rivalry between the owners of the two bookstores. Little do the two know, that the “strangers” that they have been chatting with, and gradually falling in love with, over email, are their professional rivals. Imagine their reaction when they get to know that the person they are in love with is also the person they hate!

This is about to become your favorite romantic film, mark my words. Grab some popcorn and prepare to enjoy one of the best romantic movies of all time!

2. The Ugly Truth

Katherine Heigl has given us some of the best romcoms to date. From '27 Dresses' to 'Life As We Know It', she certainly knows how to serve the romcom buffs. No wonder her ‘The Ugly Truth’ has made the cut in this list. Opposite Katherine stars Gerard Butler, who managed to steal our hearts with his sarcastic quips, and charming grin yet again. Spoiler alert: It’s another enemies-to-lovers flick that you will absolutely love.


Abby Richter is a firm believer in true love. But you know who isn’t? Her new colleague Mike Chadway, whom she is forced to co-operate with to save her morning show from being canceled. The only way the show can be saved is if they work together as a team, so Mike cuts Abby a deal. If he manages to help Abby get the man of her dreams (enter Dr. Colin), she will work with him without any complaints. What the two of them didn’t agree on was falling in love with each other. So much for being a love-hater, Mike. 


This romcom would keep you hooked to the very end, and may even push you to re-watch again and again if you are anything like me. 

3. The Vow

'The Vow' is a heart-wrenching movie that will keep you reaching for tissues throughout the 100 minutes. This heart-wrenching film was released back in 2012, but its fanbase is still growing, thanks to the amazing performances by Rachel McAdams, and Channing Tatum. If you’re looking to watch something strictly romantic, this is your gig.


Paige Collins and Leo are head over heels in love with each other even after years of marriage. But things go south when the couple gets into a car accident and Paige loses her memory of the past few years, including all her time with Leo. Leo sets on the mission of bringing back her memories and restarting their relationship. But old lovers and reluctant parents get in the way of Leo’s goal. But he is a stubborn one indeed, or maybe he loves Paige just that much.

This film will leave you teary-eyed in many parts, but the ending is worthwhile. ‘The Vow’ proves that if you hang on to love and hope a little longer, things will come around.

4. 10 Things I Hate About You


Heath Ledger may play an excellent villain (ref. The Joker), but he plays an equally excellent love bird, if not better! '10 Things I Hate About You' is a modern adaptation of Shakespeare’s play ‘The Taming Of The Shrew', and the movie managed to do 100% justice to the play.


Bianca Stratford is a teenager who wants to enjoy her high school life by going to parties with the guy she likes. But her dad has a strict rule, she can’t date unless her stubborn, anti-social sister, Kat, dates. Here’s the hitch, Kat abhors the idea of dating. This led Bianca to turn to tricks. She convinced Cameron, the guy who has a crush on Bianca, to convince Kat to date. Cameron has tricks of his own as well. He pays Patrick Verona (played by Heath Ledger) to ask out Kat. Patrick starts off this mission for monetary benefits alone, but what he didn’t plan on was actually falling in love with Kat. But how would you think Kat would react once she knows that Patrick was getting paid to date her?

PS: Heath Ledger sings ‘Can't Take My Eyes Off You’ in front of the whole school to woo the woman he doesn’t know he is falling in love with. So if you don’t want to watch the film for the plot, watch it to see the romantic side of the Joker. 

5. She’s The Man

She’s the Man would give you an equal dose of humor and romance. This romantic comedy is another of Shakespeare's modern adaptations, as the premise was inspired by the play ‘The Twelfth Night’. The title pretty much explains the plot, a girl pretends to be a guy to get what she wants. 

Viola Hastings is an excellent footballer. But things get ugly when the girls’ team gets cut off by her school. To realize her dream of going pro, she goes through a make-over and pretends to be a guy to play for the boys’ team of ​​Illyria, where her twin brother is enrolled. Viola takes the place of her twin brother, Sebastian, in the school while Sebastian goes off to London to kick start his musical career. Hilarious events occur when Viola tries to imitate boys to fit into the football team and befriend her teammates. Things become even more humorous when she falls in love with Duke, who is both her roommate and her football teammate. But Duke is in love with Olivia, who falls in love with Sebastian, who is actually Viola.


Yeah, you’ve got to watch the film to understand the love triangle here. It’s weird but extremely hilarious and fun.








Aditi Sharma I'm doing life with coffee in one hand and a travel itinerary in the other. I also love books.