Gal Gadot Casting As Cleopatra Sparks Critsism!
After Gal Gadot announced her casting as the iconic Queen of Egypt, Cleopatra, Twitter debate started over Israeli actress playing Egyptian Queen.

Gal Gadot took it to twitter to announce that she is re-teaming with Patty Jenkins, director of Wonder Woman for a biopic of the legendary Queen of Egypt, Cleopatra, on Sunday.
I love embarking on new journeys,I love the excitement of new projects, the thrill of bringing new stories to life.Cleopatra is a story I wanted to tell for a very long time.Can’t be more grateful about this A team!! @PattyJenks @ParamountPics #AtlasEntertainment #LaetaKalogridis — Gal Gadot (@GalGadot) October 11, 2020
In her following tweet,she noted that she is excited to “tell her story for the first time through women’s eyes, both behind and in front of the camera.”
As you might have heard I teamed up with @PattyJenks and @LKalogridis to bring the story of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, to the big screen in a way she’s never been seen before. To tell her story for the first time through women's eyes, both behind and in front of the camera. — Gal Gadot (@GalGadot) October 12, 2020
It is said that the 35 year old Israeli actress is behind the idea of the movie, which will be written by Laeta Kalogridis. The movie will be developed by Paramount Pictures abd will be directed by Patty Jenkins. However her casting as Cleopatra has come in for a fair share of criticism over issues related to race and ethnicity.
yeah cleopatra was greek, but can we NOT have gal gadot playing her cause uhm. they look nothing alike?? Make An Effort — byakuya togami lovebot (@plaguegirll) October 11, 2020
Cleopatra will be the subject of another Hollywood epic. Playing #Cleopatra will be Israel's Gal Gadot. Hollywood has always cast white American actresses as the Queen of the Nile. For once, can't they find an African actress?
— James Hall (@hallaboutafrica) October 11, 2020
I don’t know if I missed another announcement or if this is still about Cleopatra...but we already went through this, at great length, when Angelina Jolie and Lady Gaga competed for the role...remember, this is the last 3D image Smithsonian Egyptologists created of Cleopatra — Lexi Alexander (@Lexialex) October 12, 2020
Which Hollywood dumbass thought it would be a good idea to cast an Israeli actress as Cleopatra (a very bland looking one) instead of a stunning Arab actress like Nadine Njeim?
And shame on you, Gal Gadot. Your country steals Arab land & you’re stealing their movie roles... smh. — sameera khan (@SameeraKhan) October 11, 2020
There were people on support of the decision to cast Gal Gadot as Cleopatra, as they believed she was a 'perfect fit'.
I'm going to say this once and I'm not going to say it again, Cleopatra was Greek.
Yes, she was in Egyptian ruler but she was Greek with Persian and Syrian ancestry. The people who are reacting negatively that to this are uneducated and uninformed.
Gal Gadot deserves this role. — The Moonlight Warrior ???? (@BlackMajikMan90) October 11, 2020
Dear Americans please read this before you go off calling Gal Gadot's Cleopatra not being "black" a crime. She was pure Greek. Get educated. — Burhan Khalid (@RequiemNocturn) October 11, 2020
People are upset because Gal Gadot, who isn't Black, is playing Cleopatra, who wasn't Black either. — Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) October 11, 2020
Gal Gadot is not the first white woman to play Cleopatra. Claudette Colbert, Vivien Leigh and Elizabeth Taylor have all portrayed the historical figure in the past.
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