Bring Enlightenment to your Environment

Most self-help studies stress the need to create a perfect environment to be able to live a "successful" life. From the most famous celebrities to the most celebrated politicians, and all of us mere mortals in between! To be truly happy, therefore fulfilled and so able to share and give to our fellow humans, environment is crucial.
Whether it's a city street, a rural farm or a Hollywood stage, finding the environment that suits your character can be a lifelong search, so the journey must be enjoyed.
To be truly successful, happy, wealthy and wise, draw on all things natural around you and create a stress-free environment.
Get in touch with nature and re-assure yourself that the natural world will carry on no matter what. Draw from the creativity of a flower growing, a vegetable being formed, insects oblivious to what's on TV tonight, and water flowing over naturally formed rocks.
Try an experiment... spend a full half hour or more alone in a forest or next to the sea, or failing that, a park where you won't be disturbed. Make sure you feel safe from wild animals and humans (!) - and just let your mind wander, allow your thoughts to flow freely, call it meditation time if you need an excuse to spend some time on your own. Just enjoy and allow your thoughts to wander free and your imagination to leap into fantasies if you feel the need.
Draw from the enlightened natural energies around you and absorb the power... Got it? Great - now go home and create your own little bit of nature in your world.
Advancements in technology means food can be grown in a very small space indoors under lights if necessary. So, not having a garden isn't an excuse anymore. To fit an indoor growing system does require a little cash so you can always use that as an excuse if you want to find one!. However, the materials and set-up of a basic hydroponics system is little more than the cost of a few regular garden tools, so the choice is yours.
A balcony or roof garde can be used to grow all sorts of container plants. Most veggies and flowers will grow in containers and once set up, there is little maintenance and lots of time to enjoy the plants and absorb the creativity of it all.
If you have a garden available, the choices are so vast you can get lost in the whole garden thing. A lawn is easy and needs mowing every week or so, but apart from the exercise, this type of garden isn't fulfilling it's potential. Grow some flowers, vegetables or herbs.
Create a theme or build a water feature.
Plan your garden before you start, then you'll be able to iron out any problems before they stress you out. Work out what you want to plant, what you need, and organise your time so you can spend a little time every day with your natural environment....enlightenment will follow naturally!
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