Your Life's Vision

Jun 29, 2022 - 11:11
Jun 29, 2022 - 11:17
 0  28
Your Life's Vision

As the new year begins, it is always a good idea to take a

look at your life's vision to decide if you are on-track or

not.  When I say life's vision I mean the vision your soul

has for your life.  If you haven't taken the time to vision,

I'll give you a technique to accomplish it. If you have

your vision already use this technique to re-energizing it.

Let's make a distinction between visioning and

visualization, which I call imagining. 


This process is to visualize some thing or situation using

your imagination.  Perhaps you want a new job.  Let's use

the desire for a new job and the process as a demonstration.

1. Sit quietly in a place where it is comfortable.  This

place should be relatively dark and quiet so your senses

will not engage in the outer world so easily.  Then as you

are sitting take a deep breath and let out all the air. 

Now breathe normally and close your eyes.  Allow you

awareness to focus on your breath.  If your mind is busy

thinking of all kinds of things you may want to chant - use

the word "relax". Just repeat it over and over until your

mind is quiet your breathing steady.

2. Next, imagine yourself in this new position/job. 

3. Imagine all of the detail in this picture. Look around

in your mind's eye picture and notice the detail.  Notice

colors, what if anything is being said what it feels like.

If this is a still picture see if you can turn it into a


4. Once you have this picture and detail the next critical

step is to experience what it feels like when you are

working in this new position. To do this look at the

picture/movie and notice how wonderful or fulfilling it

feels.  Notice this in your body right now as if the

experience is actually happening.

By combining what you see hear and what you feel in your

imagination, you present to the mind a circumstance-a mold

into which the universe pours reality.  Imagining is very

important to the creation process.  Being able to imagine

what it is you want to create is a necessary part of

conscious creation.  You may want to practice this several

times.  I sat for two weeks on and off doing this process

until I just couldn't any more.  The results showed up

within two weeks.

There are several cautions.  If you have doubt about the

circumstance you are imagining you are actually impeding

its creation.  The more doubt, the less likely the creation

will take place.  The reason why you create what you have

always had is you have faith in what you have already

created and believe it to be your truth. The second caution

is not to expect too short a time frame.  It will happen

whenever you have fully accepted your desire as true of

your life.  The time it takes to clear your doubts is the

amount of time that will pass before you experience what

you wish to create.  Practice this process daily to chip

away at your resistance to having what you desire.


Unlike imaging, visioning is a function of the intuitive

mind.  It allows you to tap into your soul and "see" your

future. Visioning is sitting in the silence of meditation

and allowing yourself (ego) to dissolve into the something

beyond the conscious mind and beyond the Local Story to the

Greater Story.  It is from this place that you can "see"

your life and how it unfolds for the highest good.  This

gives your life a reference point to determine if you are


When I first visioned my life, I sat in a quiet place

where I wouldn't be disturbed for at least three hours.

This would give me time to quiet my conscious mind and move

into the silence. Some people take longer and some less

time to accomplish this same thing.  When I sat and found

the silence I saw parts of a movie playing.  The overall

theme was helping people to find deeper meaning in their

lives and to use my intuition to open people to their


If you haven't captured your life's vision yet, begin by

taking this question into meditation:  "What is the highest

good that I can allow to come through me?"  This question

can open the door as you move into a deeper, more relaxed

meditative state.  If the vision doesn't come the first

time you sit - try again.  It may take several sittings.

Few of us have cultivated our intuitive powers.  Is it any

wonder then why the first time or two or three we come up


Furthermore, your purpose in this life can be more readily

understood when you catch your life's vision.  This vision

is the "internal picturing" of your purpose unfolding-the

reason why you exist. When you create a life plan or

blueprint for your life part of the plan must be to vision

your life.  Take the time to catch the vision of your life

and watch the miracles happen.

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