10 Exercises Which Help You Stay Fit Without Gym

Can't go to gym but wanna stay fit and strong? We've got perfect sets of exercises for you. No weights, no equipments required.

Jul 22, 2020 - 09:46
Aug 15, 2020 - 11:04
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10 Exercises Which Help You Stay Fit Without Gym
10 Exercises Which Help You Stay Fit Without Gym
10 Exercises Which Help You Stay Fit Without Gym
10 Exercises Which Help You Stay Fit Without Gym
10 Exercises Which Help You Stay Fit Without Gym
10 Exercises Which Help You Stay Fit Without Gym
10 Exercises Which Help You Stay Fit Without Gym
10 Exercises Which Help You Stay Fit Without Gym
10 Exercises Which Help You Stay Fit Without Gym
10 Exercises Which Help You Stay Fit Without Gym
10 Exercises Which Help You Stay Fit Without Gym
10 Exercises Which Help You Stay Fit Without Gym

 With everything being closed because of the pandemic, and everyone working from home our movements have been limited from room to just another room(within the house). Months of limited movement has not only effected our day to day life but also our bodies lately. With no gyms open we have no place to go burn the calories we’ve gained, but we’ve got good news for you, you can workout at home and still get the results. All you need is a fitness matt, a little enthusiasm and consistency. We will be briefing you about 10 exercises and also how to do it. These exercises are very easy to learn and also a bodyweight exercise you can do anywhere.

High Knee

It is a warm up and a cardio-intensive exercise performed at fast pace, engages your core and leg muscles (glutes, quads, hamstrings and calves).

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Lift your right knee to your chest, keep in mind to keep your back straight.
  3. Switch to lift your left knee while you bring your right foot on the ground.
  4. Get used to the coordination, continue the movement, alternating legs and increase the pace according to your fitness level.


            You can do this exercise from 30 seconds to a minute or more if you want.

Butt Kicks

It is also a warm up exercise like the high knees, strengthens your hamstrings also brings up your heart rate. It is the type of plyometric or jump training exercise. It is popular among runner and other athletes. It works your cardiovascular system and boost your muscle strength and endurance using your own body weight.

  1. Stand straight keeping your back straight.
  2. Bring your right heel off the ground towards your glutes while your left hand comes towards your left shoulder like running arms.
  3. Switch to your left heel while bringing your right heel to the ground and also bring your left hand down while your right hand comes towards your right shoulder.
  4. Keep repeating the exercise and once you get the hang of it you can increase the pace depending on your fitness level.

You can do this exercise from 30 seconds to a minute or more if you want.

Jumping Jacks

Jumping jack is also called side-straddle hop in the US military. It is also a jump training exercise and like most cardio exercise, it balances your heart rate, increasing blood circulatiom all over the body and maintains blood pressure. It works your glutes, quadriceps, hip flexors, abdominal and shoulder muscles as well.

  1. Stand straight but make sure your back is also straight, hands relaxed, your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Jump up, widen and raise both your hands all the way to the top (above your head), should be above your shoulder width apart.
  3. While jumping part your legs sideways.
  4. Now jump back and return back to the same position where you started from.
  5. Repeat the steps slowing and once you are able to coordinate you can increase the pace.

You can do this exercise anywhere from 30 seconds to a minute.


Burpees are the explosive exercise which works every part of your body. It is also a jump training exercise. It works your, hands, arms, shoulder, chest, abdomen and  legs. Burpee has a six count movement which includes, three jumps a couple of squat and a push up.

  1. Start in a squat position with your knees bent, back straight and your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Jump quickly into the air so you land back where you started.
  3. Lower your hands to the floor in front of you so they’re just inside your feet.
  4. With your weight on your hand, kick your feet back so you are on your hands and toe in a push up position.
  5. Do one push up.
  6. Again with your weight on your, kick your feet jumping back to staring postion.
  7. Stand and reach your arms over head.
  8. Jump quickly into the air so land where you stared.
  9. Do another repetition.

You can do burpees in 3 sets anywhere from 8-15 reps in a set.


Plank is one of the most simple and under rated exercise but it is one of the most powerful exercise for core. Also known as abdominal bridge targets your core helps build strength there are as much as 20 variation to plank. It not only fires up your core but the muscle in your legs and shoulders, when done correctly.

  1. Get down on your four and place your elbows directly underneath your shoulders, arms facing forward so that they are parallel.
  2. Extend your legs, feet hip with apart.
  3.  Make sure your back is straight.
  4. Don’t hold your breath while holding the position.

You can hold the plank from 30 second to 2 minutes but be careful if you have history of back pain.


Crunches are the most popular abdominal exercise, it involves the entire abs but works mostly the rectus abdomen muscle and also the obliques. It is a body weight exercise to tone muscle. It also strengthens the core muscles and improves the mobility and flexibility of muscles it also helps you sculpt your abs.

  1. Lie on your back on the mat.
  2. Bent your knees, feet flat and facing forward.
  3. Cross your arms in front of your chest.
  4. Lift your shoulder blades

You can do this exercise in sets of 3, anywhere from 15 to 20 reps in each set.

Leg raise

It is strength training exercise which works on your lower abs and improves flexibility of your hips and lower back. 

  1. Lie on a mat on the floor, face up, legs extended and straight.
  2. Place your hands underneath your lower back and glutes so your pelvis in supported.
  3. Begin to raise your legs toward the ceiling, keeping your legs straight.
  4. Lift your legs 90 degree.
  5. Lower your legs back down and repeat.

You can do this exercise in sets of 3, anywhere from 8-15 reps in each set if you are a beginner. If it gets tough you can raise your legs alternatively one by one.

Russian twist

It works on abdominal muscle by performing and twisting motion on the abdomen. It strengthens your abdomen, lower back, internal and external obliques helps preventing slouching and promotes good posture. It also helps improve balance.

  1. Sit on the matt on the floor and bring your legs straight or you can rest your feet on the floor if you are a starter.
  2. Lean back slightly so your torso and legs form a V-like shape.
  3. Balance and twist your torso from side to side without moving her legs.

You can do this exercise in sets of 3, anywhere from 15 to 20 reps in each set if it gives you hard time rest your feet on the floor while doing the exercise.

Flutter kicks

It targets your lower abs, and also your glutes a thighs. Using your core muscle you flutter your legs up and down. It is helps strengthen your legs, improves your posture as well as your flexibility and also help reduce back pain.

  1. Lie on your back and extend your legs up to 45 degree angle.
  2. Keep your arms straight and in line with the floor, palms facing down.
  3. Keeping your legs stick straight and glued together with you’re your toes pointed and start lowering one leg.
  4. Raise your lowered leg and lower the other focusing on keeping your core engaged
  5. Continue the movement, alternating between legs.

You can do this exercise in sets of 3, anywhere from 15 to 20 reps in each set.

Sit up

Sit ups mainly targets your core muscle. It is very common exercise among abdominal exercises. It improves core strength, increases flexibility, help lose belly fat, tones the abdomen area and also helps reduce your back pain.

  1. Sit on a mat on the floor, keep your legs hip width apart. Hand placed on the sides of your thighs.
  2. Roll back down on the mat until your upper back touches the mat, while your knee are pointing towards the ceiling.
  3. Keep your neck in line with the spine and inhale engaging the core.
  4. Now using your core muscle sit up while you exhale.
  5. Repeat the steps.

You can do this exercise in sets of 3, anywhere from 15 to 20 reps in each set.

It is not necessary to get all these exercise in one go. All it matters is that you start somewhere, everyone has different pace and also trust the process. Like I said a bit of motivation and you can do anything you want and achieve results. I recommend to do these exercise in the order I have mention in to achieve better result. 








KristilaGurung Engineer, Astrophile. Sikkim-Chennai-Jalandar