Life After Death According to 5 Major Religion

For some people near death experiences, sense of deja-vu or witnessing ghost or an entity (perhaps through a medium) convinces them that there is life after death. There is no scientific evidence for life after death but the belief in after life is very strong amongst religious people. For them belief in life after death is based on the teachings in their religious texts or traditions therefore it is a fundamental belief. Some also believe that there is no sort of existence after death.

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2. Hinduism

Hinduism believes in Rebirths. It means you will keep coming back until you are liberated from this cycle, and after that either you are punished in hell or enjoy heaven until it’s time for you to return to earth once again. However, Vedas doesn’t speak of rebirth but it speaks of how after death the body returns to the nature like the body becomes one with earth while breath becomes the wind. The idea of rebirth evolves in the Upanishads and Purans.








KristilaGurung Engineer, Astrophile. Sikkim-Chennai-Jalandar