Words That Inspire - UNIQUE

A monthly quick shot to motivate you, in less than 45 seconds, from Julie Cohen Coaching
What makes you UNIQUE?
Being the only one, producing only one result, very rare or uncommon
What it REALLY means:
The combination of your talents, interests, ideas and quirks that makes you stand out in your world. Your expression of your values, preferences and beliefs. Your strengths put into action.
Your UNIQUE nature enhances problem solving, creative endeavors, stalled projects and personal challenges. Instead of trying to fit in and not be noticed, magnifying your UNIQUEness allows you to express yourself while providing variety and greater perspective to a solution.
UNIQUE quotation:
“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is UNIQUE. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost.” Martha Graham
Questions that INSPIRE:
o What makes you UNIQUE professionally? What makes you UNIQUE personally?
o How can you apply these traits/characteristics to resolve a problem/challenge?
o How do you feel when you are expressing your UNIQUEness?
What do you need to do (or think) differently in order to apply your UNIQUEness more frequently?
I would love to hear your answers and comments. Take 45 seconds to reply to these questions at Julie@juliecohencoaching.com. I will keep all responses confidential and reply directly to you.
I hope you enjoyed Words That Inspire, a monthly glimpse at words that matter. To continue receiving this, please send an email to subscribe@juliecohencoaching.com. Permission granted to forward or reprint, as long as copyright, subscription and signature information included. Visit archives at: http://www.juliecohencoaching.com/wordsthatinspire.php.
*(Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary, 1977, G. & C. Merriam Co.)
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