World AIDS Day 2020- Brand Promotes Awareness through Social Posts
1st December, 2020 - World AIDS Day is observed every year on to spread awareness on deadly virus AIDS, and to mourn the loss of those who had lost their lives to this disease. Let’s scroll on to see what brands did on social media to create awareness on AIDS.

The theme for this year’s World AIDS Day is observed to be, - “Ending the HIV/AIDS Epidemic: Resilience and Impact”.
World AIDS Day is being recognized every year since 1988, by organizations and individuals across the whole world to create awareness and knowledge towards this HIV epidemic and speak about it to achieve Ending the HIV/AIDS Epidemic: Resilience and Impact. This year will be marked as a 30th Anniversary of World AIDS Day, and moving ahead with the goal to end AIDS by the year2030.
Governments and healthcare professionals are still dealing with the challenges related to HIV testing, patients being resistant due to discrimination and stigma and trying to avoid tests. A huge number of populations across the globe are still feeling reluctant to get an HIV test done, but it is important that we ensure that people are aware and understand the seriousness of the issue, many affected people are still unaware of their status should get the test done and get linked to care and prevention services.
Global HIV/AIDS community must continue to encourage and motivate the expansion of HIV testing programs. Every year on World AIDS Day, the motto is to raise awareness of the importance of removing any barriers to accessing HIV testing.
It’s about time to “know your status”.
Let’s have a look at how the Brands are spreading awareness through their social campaigns.
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