Ignorant Journalism |"Yellow Journalism" Rules Over The Media, Minding It’s Own Unworthy Business!

Sep 16, 2020 - 06:24
Sep 16, 2020 - 10:16
 0  237
Ignorant Journalism |"Yellow Journalism" Rules Over The Media, Minding It’s Own Unworthy Business!

At this date, We have been made aware to current happenings around us through various platform i.e. print media, OOH (Outdoor or Out of Home) Media , internet and broadcast media.

Broadcast media is one of the most viewed and followed source of media by the people of almost every age group and all the classes of society to keep themselves updated with daily happenings.

Media has always being considered as the fourth pillar of democracy. It is responsible for keeping citizens updated with current affairs and transporting news to the citizens without altering the facts in the process of transportation. Media is considered eligible to mold people's opinion and shape it in their accordance. And it's "Us", the people who have handed over this power to Media and have allowed them to take control over our opinions and views on particular topics. 


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